Denis Private Island, Seychellen – moving pictures of a luxurious island hotel + Interview with Manager Beverley Daguisé

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With the sustainable tourism concept, the stunning hotel and the great animal protection and nature conservation programs, the dedicated Mason family has created something truly out of the ordinary here.

Denis Island leaves its mark in your heart! We thoroughly enjoyed our time here! You can find our full review here.

Manager Beverley Daguisé tells us in a small interview a little bit about this beautiful island and the hotel:

1. When is the most beautiful time to visit Denis Private Island and your hotel?

Honestly, we are so fortunate in Seychelles that we experience lovely weather throughout the year and temperatures ranging from 28-31 year-round. There are no cyclones or winters, we simply have 2 monsoon seasons which bring some winds and slight change in the sea patterns. Some choose the September/October season as for the fisherman or divers, this is the best time to come.

2. I know that a lot of furniture were produced by yourself. But who has planned this beautiful interior design?

The decor throughout the hotel has been influenced largely by the Seychellois family whom own the island. The key features is to bring a touch of the island, rustic and raw to the cottages where our guests reside. It’s important that our guests feel comfortable in their island cottage and our style has remained unpretentious yet offering all the comfort one would require on this secluded island.

3. Do you have any special offers, honeymoon offers and wedding packages?

Wedding Package:

  • decorated wedding venue
  • one tier wedding cake
  • one bottle of champagne
  • registrar fees and a romantic candle-lit dinner on the beach (subject to weather conditions).
  • overnight accommodation in single room on full board basis, including Mahe- Denis-Mahe flights will be provided for the registrar having to overnight on the island.

Honeymoon Package:

  • A private starlight dinner (weather permitting)
  • “Sunset Moment” (One Sundowner cocktail with canapés per couple once during the stay)
  • “Romantic Experience” once during stay (Special turndown – set up of bed)
  • A Honeymooners “Indulgence Experience” (Decoration in the bath with candles, petals & essential Oils)

4. Do you have special tips for a trip to the Seychelles? What is absolutely worth visiting?

Seychelles is certainly one of the most amazing destinations in the word, its natural beauty is striking and we continue to capture hearts world round. A special tip would be to make sure that you island hop throughout the Seychelles. With an archipelago of 115 islands, and each island having its own uniqueness and diversity, one cannot come to the Seychelles and only see one island. At least 3 islands is a must. Between the granitic and coralline islands, there is such a difference, yet both of them equally beautiful. Getting up close and personal to the Giant Tortoises is a unique experience and highly recommended. If you come to Denis Private island, come and meet Toby who is sitting at 117 years old. They love having their neck scratched.

5. Every Saturday there is a wonderful Beach Barbecue in your lovely hotel. Which Special on what day should also not to be missed?

The beach Barbeque is certainly a favourite as you dine under the stars, with the ocean waves a short distance away, and feet in the sand….that’s what paradise is all about! Another highlight is our Wednesday evening Japanese buffet, the fish is freshly caught off the island and later that evening delivered for dinner. There is a buffet of sushi, sashimi or teppanyaki and guests often compliment how the freshness is outstanding.

6. Can you tell us a little bit about you bird conservation project and your own farm.

The owners of Denis Island aim to be an example of sustainable development by integrating ecotourism with production (self-sustainability) and conservation activities. The island has its own farm and vegetable gardens that account for a large proportion of the food supplies needed for the hotel and staff. Also, much of the furniture is made by the island carpenters who use timber that is sustainably harvested on the island.

But, number one on the island’s agenda is the conservation of the environment.  Most of the conservation work on Denis Island has been done in collaboration with a number of local NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) and assisted by the Seychelles government. To build a long-term conservation strategy, Denis Island decided to rally with the Green Islands Foundation (GIF), a local NGO that helps private island owners with their conservation and sustainability work. Denis has a good potential for the development of a broad-leaved forest on the island, which is suitable to serve as a safe haven for many of the Seychelles endemic landbird species that are threatened with extinction.

Having removed potential predators and created a suitable habitat, the island was deemed to be ready for the introduction of the endangered endemic birds. In 2004, Seychelles Fodies  and Seychelles Warblers were introduced, followed by Seychelles Magpie Robins and Seychelles Paradise Flycatchers in 2008. The endemic birds have bred successfully with a doubling or even tripling of their populations as a result.

Kind regards,

Beverley Daguisé
Resident Manager

P.O.Box 404
Victoria – Mahé
Tel: +248 28 89 63
Fax: +248 32 10 10

Best Luxury Private Resort 2015 World Luxury Hotel Award
Best Scenic Environment Award 2014, 2015 World Luxury Hotel Award
The World’s Best Family Hotels 2015 Condé Nast Traveller
Best Luxury Private Accommodation 2014 Luxury Travel Guide’s Global Award
Certificate of Excellence 2014 TripAdvisor
Environmental Sustainability Award 2013 Seychelles Business Awards

Monique De Caro

Monique De Caro

Luxury Travel Blogger & (Wedding) Photographer at Monique De Caro | Photography & Design
Hallo, ich bin Monique #lebensfrohe Weltenbummlerin #Fotografin #Travel Bloggerin und die Schreiberin dieses Blogs. Da ich selbst Hochzeitsfotografin bin und ich meinen Mann Marcus am Strand Anse Source d´Argent auf den Seychellen geheiratet habe, möchten wir euch vor allem Tipps für wunderschöne Flitterwochen, die eigene Hochzeit am Strand, Luxusreisen, einzigartige Hotels oder die romantische Auszeit zu zweit geben.
Monique De Caro
- 3 years ago

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