The Place Cagliari – the special B&B in the capital of Sardinia

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Our trip to Sardinia brought us of course to its capital city, Cagliari, that we wanted to explore. In the course of this we discovered a very special beauty spot: The Bed & Breakfast „The Place Cagliari“ in “Art-déco” style with only 6 rooms has fully convinced us with its stylish interior. The building is centrally located in the Centro Storico in a little side-street called Via Sant’Efisio.The special feature of this Bed & Breakfast: The Suite Regina has its own private sauna in the room! For 125,- EUR per night this seems to us an absolutely affordable luxury that you can allow to yourself with a good conscience. Apart from this you will find there a ball-and-claw bath, a gorgeously equipped room in warm earth colors and – upon request – a delicious breakfast in bed that ensures a great start into the day.







Duration of the stay: 1 night
Price in september: 125,- per night
Overall evaluation: *****
Special features: private sauna in the room | breakfast in bed | central location

The Place Cagliari
Via S.Efisio 59/61-Cagliari
Cell. 328.3193258



Monique De Caro

Monique De Caro

Luxury Travel Blogger & (Wedding) Photographer at Monique De Caro | Photography & Design
Hallo, ich bin Monique #lebensfrohe Weltenbummlerin #Fotografin #Travel Bloggerin und die Schreiberin dieses Blogs. Da ich selbst Hochzeitsfotografin bin und ich meinen Mann Marcus am Strand Anse Source d´Argent auf den Seychellen geheiratet habe, möchten wir euch vor allem Tipps für wunderschöne Flitterwochen, die eigene Hochzeit am Strand, Luxusreisen, einzigartige Hotels oder die romantische Auszeit zu zweit geben.
Monique De Caro
- 4 years ago

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