Exklusives Interview mit dem “Pimalai Resort & Spa” – Reisetipps für Koh Lanta

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Tiratas Pongsurayamas vom “Pimalai Resort & Spa” hat uns nun auch ein paar Fragen beantwortet. Den ganzen Bericht zu diesem wunderschönen Boutique-Hotel mit tollem Spa und dem schönsten Meerblick vom Infinity-Pool findet ihr hier.

1.    What do you think is very special about your beautiful hotel Pimalai?
Exceptional service + Breathtaking location – where the lush tropical rainforest meets the sea! By far, the best location on the island and close to the best in Krabi Province.

2.   What is the best time to come? Perhaps even outside of november to march?
We would say all year round as we are confident the difference beauty on each season would impressed our guest

3.    Do you have any special offers, also for the honeymoon?
 For those honeymooner who stay with minimum of 3 nights would receive a floral bed decoration and a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate their occasion.

4. Do you have special tips about discovering the island Koh Lanta?
Do not miss those beautiful small unspoiled islands & limestone cliffs close by such as Koh Kradan , Koh Ngai, Koh Muk, Koh Haa and Koh Rok offering a great choice for snorkeling day trips.

5. Can the visitor find elephants on Koh Lanta, which are treated elephant-friendly?
Yes there are elephants camp near by national park where they live & treat in the nature environment.

6. Why is you hotel a great location for a wedding?
Beautiful relatively unspoiled island of Koh Lanta offering beautiful beaches, lush tropical rainforests create a perfect venue for wedding also Kantiang beach included in the list of the world’s best beaches – UK Sunday Times 2009.

Best Regards,

Tiratas Pongsurayamas
Junior Director Of Sales

Pimalai Resort & Spa
99 Moo 5, Ba Kan Tiang Beach
Koh Lanta, Krabi 81150, Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 75 607 999
Fax: +66 (0) 75 607 998
Email: reservation@pimalai.com

Monique De Caro

Monique De Caro

Luxury Travel Blogger & (Wedding) Photographer at Monique De Caro | Photography & Design
Hallo, ich bin Monique #lebensfrohe Weltenbummlerin #Fotografin #Travel Bloggerin und die Schreiberin dieses Blogs. Da ich selbst Hochzeitsfotografin bin und ich meinen Mann Marcus am Strand Anse Source d´Argent auf den Seychellen geheiratet habe, möchten wir euch vor allem Tipps für wunderschöne Flitterwochen, die eigene Hochzeit am Strand, Luxusreisen, einzigartige Hotels oder die romantische Auszeit zu zweit geben.
Monique De Caro
- 4 Jahren ago

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